World Englishes:A Metadisciplinary Perspective
纸书售价: ¥26.0 纸书定价:¥26.0
作者: 姜亚军出版时间: 2008-12-01ISBN: 978-7-5004-7579-8字数: 300千字浏览人数: 303次所属分类: 语言、文字 > 常用外国语 > 英语
0 Introduction
0.1 Statement of the Problem
0.2 Theoretical Underpinnings
0.3 Literature Review
0.4 Preview of the Book
1 Contrastive Rhetoric
1.1 Contrastive Rhetoric: Where Culture Meets Rhetoric
1.2 Major Approaches in CR Research
1.3 L2 Discourse: Where Chinese Encounter Aristotle
2 World Englishes
2.1 The Global Spread of English: A Mixed Blessing
2.2 World Englishes Studies
2.3 Major Approaches in WEs Research
3 World Englishes as a Discipline
3.1 Academic Status of World Englishes
3.2 Science or‘Properly Constructed Academic Discipline'
3.3 Kuhn's Concept of Paradigm
3.4 Matsuda's Internal Metadisciplinary Inquiry
3.5 Implications from CR
4 World Englishes: A Discoursal Perspective
4.1 The Linguistic Tradition of Sentence Grammar
4.2 The Sacred Cow of Sentence Grammar in WEs
4.3 Case Study I: English as a Chinese Language
5 World Englishes: A Linguistic Typology
5.1 Modeling World Englishes
5.2 A Linguistic Typology of World Englishes
5.3 ESL and EFL, Or L2?
5.4 Interlanguage assumption
5.5 Case Study II: Is English an Asian Language?
6 World Englishes: Methodological Considerations
6.1 Quantitative and Qualitative Paradigms
6.2 Methodological Tradition in Writing Research
6.3 Methodological Tradition in CR Research
6.4 Traditional WEs Methodology
6.5 Mixed Methods in WEs Research
6.6 Chinese Writing Abstracts in English
7 Conclusions and Further Research
7.1 Main Findings
7.2 Limitations of the Research
7.3 Suggestions for Further Research
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