How the 16+1 Cooperation promotes the Belt and Road Initiative
纸书售价: ¥36.0 纸书定价:¥45.0 电子书售价: ¥18.0
责任编辑: 王茵出版时间: 2018-01-01ISBN: 978-7-5203-1242-4字数: 163千字浏览人数: 442次
Section1 Overall Analysis
16+1 as a Laboratory:Lessons China's New Relations with CESEE Can Teach Us about the Future of the Belt and Road Initiative
How Could the“16+1 Cooperation”Promote the Belt and Road Initiative after the Belt and Road Forum for International Cooperation
Innovation in Understanding and Cooperating the Macro-Regions:The Potential of Promotion of the“16+1 Cooperation”and the Belt and Road Initiative
16+1 Promoting Belt and Road Initiative:Challenges and Potential Policy Responses
16+1 China-CEEC Cooperation Platform Promoting Belt and Road:Opportunities and Challenges
“16+1 Cooperation”Promoting Belt and Road Initiative Better after the Belt and Road Forum for International Cooperation
Section2 National Perspectives
China in Europe:A View from the Balkans
Perception of the 16+1 and the Belt and Road Initiative:A Perspective from Latvia
China-Croatia Cooperation:past,present and future
How Bosnia and Herzegovina Could Benefit from the Belt and Road Initiative:BRI Perspective of an Ambassador
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